Easy Crock Pot Apple Butter

  • 2 qts. cooked apple pulp
  • 4 cup sugar
  • 2 tsp ground cinnamon
  • 1/4 tsp ground cloves
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Peel, core and slice a lot of apples, Winesap is best, using your old-fashioned apple peeler. Place large pot of apples, adding 1-2 cup water, on stove and cook until soft. Pour into blender or food processor to blend to a consistency of apple sauce.

Measure 2 qts. apple sauce pulp out into crock pot. Add sugar and spices stirring all together. Turn crock pot on high; leave uncovered and slowly cook down to the thickness you desire in apple butter; 8-24 hrs., whenever you get back to it. Pour hot apple butter into sterilized jars and seal lids.

Submitted by: Recipe Group Member

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