Legal Seafood New England Clambake

  • 1 (1 lbs) lobster
  • 4 oz chorizo sausage
  • 3/4 to 1 pound steamer clams
  • 1 corn on the cob
  • 1 bag rockweed
  • 2 or 3 medium bliss potatoes
  • 1 large onion image placeholder

You'll also need a shovel, lots of wood or charcoal, dry beach rocks, aluminum foil, and a canvas tarp.

Cooking on the beach: Dig the hole (suggested size for 12 people is 4 x 4 x 3). Heat the hole with charcoal or logs for 1 to 1 1/2 hours. Carefully remove the coals exposing the hot rocks. Quickly place the ingredients on top of the rocks in the following order:

  • 10-inch layer of rockweed
  • Lobsters lying back to back
  • 2-inch layer of rockweed corn on the cob
  • Bliss potatoes
  • Steamers wrapped in cheesecloth
  • Sausage wrapped in foil
  • 2-inch layer of rockweed
  • Corn on the cob
  • 1-inch layer of rockweed
  • The onion image placeholder

Cover with tarp and allow to cook for 1-1/2 to 2-1/2 hours. A good guideline to follow is when the onion is done, the clambake is done.

The clambake in the microwave: image placeholder

Place rockweed in bottom of microwaveable cooking bag. Place corn and lobster on top of rockweed. Add lemon. Close bag and cook for 8 minutes on HIGH.

Remove lobster from microwave, and let sit. Place steamers in another cooking bag on a plate and cook for 3 minutes on high. Remove clams from microwave and serve with lobster and corn.

The clambake on the grill: image placeholder

Remove silk from the fresh corn leaving the husk, and soak for 15 minutes.

Cut bliss potatoes in half and coat with a vinaigrette.

Grill sausage, potatoes, and corn for 10 minutes.

Fold 5 feet of heavy aluminum foil in half and place on table. Place 1 inch layer of rockweed big enough to protect the foil from the lobster in the center of the foil. Place grilled corn, sausage, and potatoes on the foil. Add the lobster and the juice of half a lemon. Wrap in foil leaving a little air pocket at the top. Cook on hot grill for 25 minutes.

The clambake in a pot: Clambake Soup variation image placeholder

Cooking the lobster: Add seasoning and beer or wine to cold water. Add celery, carrot, and onions. Bring to rolling boil for 20 to 30 minutes.

Add bliss potatoes, corn squash, tomatoes, zucchini, and sausage. Add lobster. Cook for 10 minutes.

Cooking the steamers:

Add steamer clams to the steamer pot. Cover with 1-inch layer of rockweed. Cover pot, and rock for 8 to 10 minutes more.

Makes: 4
Submitted by: Recipe Group Member